The View from Bolton Street

Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Hello Friends! 

I want to talk about our time of transition. There are four basic parts to any transition in church  leadership. I want to give you an update about where we are and where we are headed. 

The first step is to process your time under the leader who has departed and address any problems that  presently exist. There will generally be a mix of feelings, and sometimes there are things left undone  that must be addressed and issues that have been deferred and now demand attention. This must take  place while the transitional leadership (me in this case) establishes relationships with all of you so we  can build the trust to enter into the next steps in the evolution of Memorial. How long it takes to  address the various things left undone and to process the last few years is complicated because  Memorial is in a situation of strained finances, and we have to discover why and develop a sound  approach to fixing it. Some of our operational processes must also be amended to be consistent with the business practices of The Episcopal Church. There are some operational areas that lack any formal  process and documentation, and we must develop that to ensure that future leadership has everything  that is needed to be successful. I will work as hard as I can to move swiftly, but I am still in the process  of discovering things, and I think this could take a few months to fully understand the state of the  church-- maybe as long as three months, though I am hoping two. How long it will take to fix the  finances and establish or fix broken processes is much harder to estimate because that is dependent  upon some variables I cannot control. I will need your help! 

The second step is much more fun. It is where we dream and discuss and imagine the Memorial of the  future-- say five years down the road. Who do you want to be? What kind of qualities do you desire in  a leader? What are some of the things you love most about your church? It is during this step that we  develop a parish profile that will be published on the Office for Transition Ministry web site and will  ultimately attract good applicants to lead Memorial. We will hold a couple of community meetings and  we will develop a parish wide survey, and then a committee will develop the profile. This will take a  few months-- it is the data gathering part and hearing one another that determine the length of the step,  and this will set up the actual search for success. 

The third step will be the search process for a permanent rector. The beginning of this step can  overlap with the second step if we have separate committees. The search committee should represent  the diverse perspectives of our community, and they will develop the criteria for the person who will be called to serve Memorial. A call notice will be carefully drafted; a job listing posted on the Office of  Transition Ministry website of The Episcopal Church and on other key places where clergy look for  work. Before the job listing is even posted, the search committee will determine the criterial for passing an application through to an interview, and they will develop metrics for the “short list” of candidates  who will be invited to a second interview. The final step of the search process will be recommending a  candidate to the vestry, who will then vote “yes” or “no.” Sometimes a parish search committee will  recommend the top two candidates to a vestry, and the vestry will make the decision, however how we  undergo this process will be determined by you. The length of this step could be a few months-- 5 or 6,  depending upon how many applicants you receive. 

The fourth step is forming a transition committee to welcome the new rector by providing the  resources necessary to get up to speed and be successful in their transition. This could include advice  on housing, schools if they have children, recommendations on various services, e.g., car mechanics,  grocery stores, etc. and information about this awesome community. This committee can be formed at  any time, as long as you are ready to greet your new rector on day one and go from there. It may only  take a few meetings and some homework to prepare for the rector's arrival. This work can be  accomplished in six weeks or less. 

This annotated outline is not exhaustive, but it should allow you to have a better feel for the process. 

Where we are in our transition work will be communicated to you clearly and regularly. You will not  be given details about various appplicants because those types of personnel details will be made held  confidentially by the search committee. But you will know where we are in the transition process. 

We have work to go in this awesome community. Some of the work will be fun, and some of it may be  difficult, but I promise to be as transparent as is possible and to keep our nominal parish life, our  ministries and our worship moving and vibrant while we engage in our process of transition.  

God is with us always. Pray for one another; spend time with one another; and listen for the voice of  the Holy Spirit, When God's people determine to do God's work of doing justice and living humbly in  love, amazing things can happen. 

In Christ's love, 

Pan +

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Meeting Location: 1407 Bolton Street, Baltimore, MD 21216 - Church Steps

Join Us for Unity and Love:

St. Francis Animal Blessings Day is not just an event for pet owners but a gathering that unites our entire community. It's a chance to get to know our neighbors, celebrate the diversity of our animal companions, and embrace the values of compassion and empathy that St. Francis exemplified.

Dear Friends,

This Saturday we will bless the animal members of our families. And I’m guessing you already know that it is they who bless us with their love, their quirky ways and their loyalty. God is so creative in the diversity and abundance of life on this Earth. It is nearly impossible to find a place on the surface of our planet that is devoid of life, and all of this life is connected into one system we call the biosphere.

We share the water and the air, the nutrients and the wastes—all of it fits together, and we are tied to this system because were designed to live within it and to adapt as the environment changes. What a gift!

There is a lot to be learned from living with appreciation for the animals and plants; the sun, moon and stars; the beautiful crystals that comprise the rocks and minerals; and the lakes, rivers and seas. They all have stories to tell if we have ears to listen, and Francis of Assisi had the ears to listen. He knew that everything was connected and understood that God wanted us to appreciate the wonders of creation as a sign of the abundance of God’s love to supply our needs.

In my home, we have two cats and two dogs who live in the house with us. They remind us to keep to the priorities: love, companionship, food and water. It’s good to be them, and it’s even better to be us, because I think the humans have the better end of the deal. We get to live with beings who have no guile who just want to be a part of the family. I pray that one day I will be worthy of that.

So come on over to the church on Saturday afternoon from 2pm until we run out of beings in search of blessings. I want to meet the other species in your life and offer them blessings! And if your favorite non-human is a plant, feel free to bring your green friends along as well. Memorial is an equal opportunity font of blessings!

In Christ’s love,

Pan +

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Join us on Saturday, October 5, 2024, for the annual Festival on the Hill, a cherished Bolton Hill tradition since 1955. What began as a small church bazaar organized by Memorial Episcopal Church has grown into a vibrant community festival. In 1969, Rev. Barney Farnham introduced the idea of sharing proceeds with the community, a tradition that continues today under the leadership of the Bolton Hill Community Association.

Festival on the Hill - 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

St. Francis Blessing of the Animals - 2:00 p.m.

Dear Friends,

People watch each other and make decisions about whether they would like to be in active relationship with those they watch or not. Unfortunately, various mass media can distort the perception people have of both individuals and of groups, and this has often been true with respect to the portrayal of Christians. Not that we sometimes don’t deserve that characterization, so it’s important that we continually work to examine ourselves and see where we might become a higher fidelity representation of Jesus on Earth.

For the last couple of weeks, the epistle readings have come from the pastoral letter of James in which we learn from his instructions to the young church in Jerusalem how to get along with one another. James was very explicit in the text from last week (3:13-4, 7-8a) about how to avoid conflict in the church. He said, “Show by your good life that your works are done with gentleness born of wisdom.” The lectionary text ends with, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God, and he [sic] will draw near to you.”

This week, we read another passage from James (5:13-20) in which we are entreated to draw near to God again—in prayer. James reminds the church (which had consisted primarily of Jews who had come to accept Jesus as the Messiah) of Elijah. The power of Elijah’s prayer, enough to control the weather, was remarkable, though “Elijah was a human being like us”[.]
I have been pondering the possibility that we all might have significantly more power that we know we have because we have been marked as Christ’s own forever and are committed to being the adopted children of God! Why would we not call upon the power of prayer all of the time? I wonder if the power of prayer lies not in the things for which we petition God, but in the way God transforms us when we draw near to our divine parent.

I want to be that person transformed. It’s not only because I want to grow deeper in my relationship with God and God’s people, but also because people are watching us and making decisions about who Christians are and whether or not they want anything to do with us. I am baptized and marked as Christ’s own forever, and I want to be worthy of bearing that mark. We each have control over exactly one person’s behavior and to accept that control, draw near to God, and [God] will draw near to you.”

In Christ’s love,

Pan +

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Dear Friends, 

I have wisdom on my mind today. I pray for it daily. And even though I habitually do so,  sometimes I am still confused about what is wise and what is foolish. In situations where I don't  feel confident about the best approach to solving a problem, I seek counsel from others. We bat  around ideas and scribble on scrap paper, and in what often feels like a miracle, an idea will  emerge from one of the group-- sometimes, even from me-- something I might not have thought  of on my own. It's like a vibrant rainbow of inspiration has formed over us.  

The act of brainstorming is like the act of playing music together; the emergence of the group's  wisdom can be that harmonious and a pleasure to experience. At the same time, I recognize that  sometimes, what emerges from a group trying to make a decision is something known as “group  think.” That is what happens when people stop contributing their own unique wisdom and  instead think about how they will be perceived for whatever they say they think or say. The  whole group can lose the opportunity for group wisdom to reveal something that only happens  when each member of the group contributes their own unique wisdom. 

When we worry about our own self or our position within a group, that can be a source of  conflict, because as James says, “Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come  from? Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you? You want something and  do not have it; so you commit murder. And you covet something and cannot obtain it; so you  engage in disputes and conflicts.” [James 4:1-3] 

There is such beauty in true wisdom, both as individuals and as a community. We need that  community wisdom as much as we need our own personal wisdom because that is how we learn  to appreciate what we can be when we set about seeking the counsel of the community-- it is how we live in peace and how we discern right from wrong. 

James paints a picture for us of the true wisdom-- the wisdom of God: “the wisdom from above is  first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of  partiality or hypocrisy. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make  peace.” [James 3:17-18] 

Imagine coming to the community with that wisdom-- the wisdom from above. Imagine who we  can be and how much good we can do in the world if we seek that “pure, then peaceable and  gentle” wisdom? 

That is my prayer today for our church community-- that we will have that wisdom from above to be God's hands and feet in our church and in our local community.  

With faith and love, 

Pan +

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Hello Friends,

I am looking at the news reports about the fires blazing just over the crest of a hill a couple of hundred yards from my former home in southern California. In October of 2004, there was a wildfire that forced evacuations in my neighborhood. I can never forget the sting of the acidic smoke making it hard to breathe, with the dreaded Santa Ana winds forcing into my face... Last night, a beloved friend posted on social media a video of billowing smoke and flames shooting up into the sky from her back yard. Her words were, “This is no joke time.”

With this backstory in mind, when I read the epistle text of St James this morning, these words grabbed my attention:

How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire! And the tongue is a fire. The tongue is placed among our members as a world of iniquity; it stains the whole body, sets on fire the cycle of nature, and is itself set on fire by hell. For every species of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by the human species, but no one can tame the tongue-- a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse those who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this ought not to be so.

{James 3:5-10].

Having borne witness not only to the devastation of wildfires, but also the devastation of rumor, inuendo and false narrative, I feel James’ words viscerally.

I’m convinced that we can all embrace the last verse of Psalm 19 (v4): Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength and my redeemer.

May we always think before we speak and avoid the devastation of a carelessly spoken andinflammatory word.

In faith and love,

Pan +

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Dear Friends,

It has been my practice to send out a reflection on Fridays. In most cases, I will try to extract something from whichever lectionary text doesn’t make it into the sermon. Sometimes it will be an idea about a contemporary event and how to frame it within the context of our baptismal covenant. I will never claim to know an absolute meaning from anything scriptural; instead, I will share some ideas for your consideration. I believe that the Holy Spirit reveals unique wisdom to each of us depending upon where we are in our faith journeys and what else is happening in our lives. What I see in a scriptural text could be different than what you see in it, and I look forward to learning from what the Holy Spirit offers to each of you. 

Now a word or two about me. Our awesome senior warden has already shared some about my geekier life experience. I love parish ministry, and for me community is everything. I am passionate about social justice in its many contexts, and in particular racial reconciliation and ecojustice. I have begun interfaith work together with the Institute for Islamic, Christian and Jewish studies. 

I’m a musician, and my first career was as an opera singer. I also compose, and I have a recording studio in my basement. So I will be Justine’s fan and supporter because of my deep love of music. Second career was as a broadcast engineer for a disco radio station in NYC. I was a video producer and director for many years, and then I became a scientist. Life is short: do all the things that bring you joy. 

Being a parish priest is what brings me joy, and I will do my best to love you with abandon. In order to do that, I have to develop relationships with you, so I will do my best to try to contact every one of you in the parish membership. I won’t be doing that with an ask, but just to get to know who you are and give you an opportunity to know who I am. 

The search process for your next rector will be as transparent as possible, and it really starts with discerning how you as a community think of yourselves, where you think you are heading in the next five years or so, and what kind of priest you would like to call. This will enable you to develop a parish profile that will attract the right person to the parish.

Both I and Canon Kristin+ will work with you and we will develop a timeline with milestones so you know where you are in the process. In the meanwhile, we will not be static—we will be vigorous in our parish and in our community, and I hope we will have a ton of fun while we are about our ministries.

Let the awesomeness begin!

Pan +

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Dear Memorial Church Family,

This past Sunday with great joy and sadness, we celebrated Rev. Grey Maggiano and his family’s final service with our community. In his final sermon, he reminded all of us that our church already has what it needs to sustain ourselves, and perhaps even grow in new, surprising ways. Now it is more important than ever to turn to person sitting next to you in church -or in the Zoom box- and tell them how glad you are to see them. Love sustained us before, and love will sustain us moving forward.

And as the saying goes, “when God closes one door, they open another one…” the vestry is pleased to announce that this week, they signed an agreement with the Reverend Pamela Conrad who will serve as our Interim Rector beginning on September 3rd. Reverend Conrad comes to Memorial with a remarkable career having served as rector of St. Albans Episcopal Church in Glen Burnie and most recently as an Interim at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church on Edmondson Ave. in Baltimore. She has master’s degrees in music composition, geology, divinity and a Doctorate in Geology and Mineral Physics. As a member of the Mars Perseverance Rover Mission she often uses her passion for science to connect people’s faith with the wonders of creation. We are very excited welcome Reverend Conrad to Memorial and hope you will join us for her first service on September 9th at either the Faith at 8 service or worship at 10:30 a.m. 

Finally, the vestry is committed to maintaining our connection as a caring faith community. We wanted to check in with all of you to see how of you are doing in this period of transition. We were hoping you might consider taking a brief survey by clicking here to let us know how you are and if you would like to have someone from Memorial reach out to you. 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to the vestry with any questions or concerns you might have. 

With God’s love we hold strong.


Stacy Wells, Beth Torres, Steve Howard, Dave Toia, Keenan Dworak-Fisher, Scott Purnell-Saunders, Tom Penniston, Ryan Sturm, David Dimmock, Amy Krulak, Wendy Yap

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Join us as we come together to honor and celebrate the incredible journey of our Rector and his lovely family. While change can be challenging, it also brings new opportunities and possibilities. Let's gather to express our gratitude, share memories, and send them off with our love and prayers.

Date: Sunday, August 25th

Location: Sanctuary

Time: 9:30a

Hello Friends - 

We are coming to the end of a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we here Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.

For preachers, it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not not saying that.

However, since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.

There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.



Stretch and Fold


Today we are focusing on the final step: Bake 

Baking, on the surface, should be the easiest step, right? You just preheat the oven,  put your dough in, and wait. 

But I might suggest that baking actually takes quite a bit of trust. 

You have to trust that all the work you put in during the previous steps was done correctly! Don’t mess with the dough before you put it in the oven, don’t try and compensate by messing with the temperature or with your timing, you just have to let it go. 

And (crucially) (and I often forget this) remember to take out the bread! Though one surprising thing you learn baking bread is that it is actually a lot harder to over cook bread than you might think. You are much more likely to take the dough out to early and end up with uncooked dough in the middle of your bread. 

Trust. The. Process. 

When it comes to faith, similar rules apply. When we go out into the world to share about our faith we frequently find ourselves second-guessing our preparation. I don’t know enough, I’m not religious enough, I’m not “good” enough. And so we will sell ourselves short, not engage with our neighbors, hide our faith, turn the oven off too soon. 

As we grow closer in our relationship to God and to each other from time to time those relationships are put to the test and the temperature goes up! When that happens don’t undercook the bread! 

Trust that you have the strength, structure, and complexity of flavor and character to handle those challenges and come through ever better on the other side. 

Those challenges may come in the form of a curious neighbor asking about church, a stranger struggling with poverty or addiction, a family member who is pushing your buttons, or just the regular challenges of living as a person of faith in an increasingly secular world.  

However, they appear to you - don’t undercook the bread! 

Most importantly? Don’t judge your results based on other people’s instagram-able bread (or faith) accounts but just on your previous results. 

Are you closer to God today than yesterday? Did you handle the challenge put before you better than last time? Is this loaf a little better than your last one? 

If so, you’re doing great, and next time? Just an opportunity to make it a little better. 

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Hello Friends -

We are in the midst of a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we here Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.

For preachers it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not not saying that.

However since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.

There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.



Stretch and Fold


Today we will focus on the “Stretch and Fold” process.

When we stretch dough we are testing its strength and elasticity, and when we fold it back we are adding additional depth and durability. One thing new break bakers are reminded of over and over is to “not overwork the dough.” What this means is you don’t want to get stretch the dough or you may break apart the proteins and bonds, leaving you with flat lifeless dough.

This makes sense right? Too many times in my life I have, in a fit of passion, gone out and run too far, biked too hard, lifted too much, and been in a lot of pain for days or weeks after. Maybe you have done this too?

Tried to make up for lost time and in the process hurt yourself, or at least found yourself with wounded pride (and sore muscles).

So too do we need to take care with our faith and spirituality. If you have not been reading a lot of scripture or praying too much, maybe don’t go on a week long silent retreat? Or try and read the whole book in one sitting?

Build up your resilience, work within yourself, and slowly develop your faith.

There is no need to compare ourselves to others! In the kitchen, the gym, or the pews. Your focus should be on what can make me a more faithful Christian today.

Can I spend a little more time in meditative prayer? Can I remember to give thanks before every meal this week? Can I read one chapter of scripture? One verse?

What can you do this week to stay within yourself and develop a little more spiritual resilience?

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Memorial Episcopal Church Memorial Episcopal Church

The View from Bolton Street

Hello Friends - 

We are entering a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we hear Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.

For preachers, it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not saying that.

However, since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.

There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.



Stretch and Fold


Today we focus on the hardest part of bread making: rest. Like Tom Petty said, the waiting is the hardest part. When we let the dough rest we allow for multiple things to happen. We allow for flavors to blend, we allow for the water to soak into the flour, and we allow the yeast to begin eating away at the gluten in the flour and release carbon dioxide, producing sugar and flavor. 

It takes time for new things to impact us. You can’t just expect a new narrative, a new story, a new way of thinking to shape you after your first encounter. Jesus tells a story about scattering seed and how where the seed lands impact how it grows. When a seed falls in shallow soil, it might sprout quickly, but it won’t last long. 

If we don’t take time with our faith, if we don’t allow the words of Jesus, the teachings of our tradition to really soak in, we MIGHT have a lot of enthusiasm, we might jump in with both feet! But we won’t last very long because when our faith is challenged - we won’t know what to say. 

Many people I meet who have “fallen away” from the Church have done so because the kind of faith they were presented with was just too basic to stand up to scrutiny. 

‘If you believe your life will be easier.’ “Good people go to Church. Bad people don’t.” “Only Christians go to Heaven.” “You can’t be gay/trans/questioning/curious and a Christian.” “If you pray then bad things won’t happen.” “If you give your money to the church you will get more back.” 

All of these promises have been made, whether with good intentions or not, to ‘rush’ ppl into faith. To ‘dumb down’ Christianity so that more people will believe. 

But you can’t rush faith, just like you can’t rush this part of the bread making process. 

With bread, you just end up with flat, tasteless loaves. But with faith you end up with a lot of hurt people. 

If we spend time with scripture we learn that believers represent all kinds of behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles.  When we study the history of the church we learn that historically, often the most faithful Christians have suffered the most. When we encounter our tradition we learn that prayer doesn’t make bad things disappear… but that it does make it easier to bear them.  We learn that a community of people praying together has spiritual and practical benefits! We are reminded that people care for us, and sometimes they bring us cake. We learn that human conceptions of good and bad don’t really apply to the spiritual world, and that our good actions in this world really only matter if they come from the right intentions. 

Most of all, what we learn when we spend time with our faith, is how little we really know and how much more there is to understand.  We develop deeper connections, more robust structures and flavors, better connections with believers in this world and throughout the world’s history. 

So friends, I encourage you to spend time with scripture, with our traditions, and with your faith - so you can develop the kind of faith that will carry you through the most difficult times. 

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