The View from Bolton Street

Hello Friends -

We are in the midst of a season of the liturgical calendar known, semi-sarcastically, as “bread season.” Last Sunday we read the feeding of the 5,000 from the Gospel of John, and now for four Sundays in August we here Jesus’ reflections on the bread of life. Over and over again.

For preachers it can feel monotonous. I’m not saying I planned my summer vacation around this… but I’m not not saying that.

However since I am departing Memorial the last Sunday of “Bread Season” - and because I will miss you all, I thought I would leave you with a series of reflections on Bread For… I mean Faith Formation.

There are four basic steps to breadmaking just as there are four steps to growing our Faith with Jesus.



Stretch and Fold


Today we will focus on the “Stretch and Fold” process.

When we stretch dough we are testing its strength and elasticity, and when we fold it back we are adding additional depth and durability. One thing new break bakers are reminded of over and over is to “not overwork the dough.” What this means is you don’t want to get stretch the dough or you may break apart the proteins and bonds, leaving you with flat lifeless dough.

This makes sense right? Too many times in my life I have, in a fit of passion, gone out and run too far, biked too hard, lifted too much, and been in a lot of pain for days or weeks after. Maybe you have done this too?

Tried to make up for lost time and in the process hurt yourself, or at least found yourself with wounded pride (and sore muscles).

So too do we need to take care with our faith and spirituality. If you have not been reading a lot of scripture or praying too much, maybe don’t go on a week long silent retreat? Or try and read the whole book in one sitting?

Build up your resilience, work within yourself, and slowly develop your faith.

There is no need to compare ourselves to others! In the kitchen, the gym, or the pews. Your focus should be on what can make me a more faithful Christian today.

Can I spend a little more time in meditative prayer? Can I remember to give thanks before every meal this week? Can I read one chapter of scripture? One verse?

What can you do this week to stay within yourself and develop a little more spiritual resilience?