The View from Bolton Street

Dear Memorial Church Family,

This past Sunday with great joy and sadness, we celebrated Rev. Grey Maggiano and his family’s final service with our community. In his final sermon, he reminded all of us that our church already has what it needs to sustain ourselves, and perhaps even grow in new, surprising ways. Now it is more important than ever to turn to person sitting next to you in church -or in the Zoom box- and tell them how glad you are to see them. Love sustained us before, and love will sustain us moving forward.

And as the saying goes, “when God closes one door, they open another one…” the vestry is pleased to announce that this week, they signed an agreement with the Reverend Pamela Conrad who will serve as our Interim Rector beginning on September 3rd. Reverend Conrad comes to Memorial with a remarkable career having served as rector of St. Albans Episcopal Church in Glen Burnie and most recently as an Interim at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church on Edmondson Ave. in Baltimore. She has master’s degrees in music composition, geology, divinity and a Doctorate in Geology and Mineral Physics. As a member of the Mars Perseverance Rover Mission she often uses her passion for science to connect people’s faith with the wonders of creation. We are very excited welcome Reverend Conrad to Memorial and hope you will join us for her first service on September 9th at either the Faith at 8 service or worship at 10:30 a.m. 

Finally, the vestry is committed to maintaining our connection as a caring faith community. We wanted to check in with all of you to see how of you are doing in this period of transition. We were hoping you might consider taking a brief survey by clicking here to let us know how you are and if you would like to have someone from Memorial reach out to you. 

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to the vestry with any questions or concerns you might have. 

With God’s love we hold strong.


Stacy Wells, Beth Torres, Steve Howard, Dave Toia, Keenan Dworak-Fisher, Scott Purnell-Saunders, Tom Penniston, Ryan Sturm, David Dimmock, Amy Krulak, Wendy Yap