I’m New Here


You Are Welcome. No Exceptions.

Rooted in Community

Since 1860 Memorial Church has been the center of our neighborhood.  Whether we are hosting community events, organizing festivals, running youth programs, or opening our doors for musicals, concerts or entertainment we have been, and will be a sanctuary and a safe space for all of our neighbors - Episcopal or not, believer or not - our doors are open to everyone. 

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Bolton Hill

An Extension of Our Parish

Service Schedule

Upper Parish Hall:

Faith @ 8, Sundays at 8:00 am (in-person, enter red door on Layfette, 2nd flr)


Holy Eucharist Rite II, Sundays at 10:30 am (in person and online)

Peace & Justice Chapel:

Taize, Sundays at 7:00 pm (in-person)


Want to Join Us?

Memorial Episcopal Church

1407 Bolton Street, Baltimore, MD 21217

Learn about our ministries and offerings.

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Find God Anywhere

Virtual Only:

Peace & Justice Tuesdays at 8:00 am

Wrestling with the Word, Bible Study Fridays at 12:00 pm

Links and bulletins for online worship participation are available HERE.

We want to be so integrated into the neighborhood... that our neighbors simply can’t imagine us NOT being there
— The Rev Grey Maggiano

For Information on our reparations work - click here