Monthly Prayer Service for Peace - Zoom 7:30 pm tonight, September 22, 2021

The Rev. Stewart Lucas and The Rev. Charlie Cloughen have been holding a monthly prayer service for peace on the 22nd of each month for some time now. In light of the recent events in Afghanistan, Grey+ will be sharing a meditation and leading a discussion after the service. If you would like to join the zoom link is:

For those who may not know, here is a bit of Father Grey’s bio:

Grey+ has also served parishes in Miami and Sterling, Virginia. Prior to entering seminary, Grey was a Presidential Management Fellow and Foreign Affairs Officer focused on justice reform efforts in Afghanistan. He oversaw anti-corruption and gender justice initiatives and maintains close relationships with Afghan and international organizations. He has also spent two years studying the intersection of faith between Islamic, Christian, and Jewish communities in Jerusalem.

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

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