The View from Bolton Street

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. 

James 3:8

If you ask me “what is the goal of the Christian life?” I would answer “to get closer to God.” Indeed if you just woke up every day and said “today I desire to get closer to God” and then tried to do that — you would most certainly be on good terms with the Lord on the day of judgement.   Resist Evil, Do Good, Seek Jesus. 

If we strip away all the other aspects of our faith, the hymns and services and sacraments and prayers and practices, that is what we are called to do.  So eloquently summarized by James. 

So, how are you doing?  Do you feel closer to God than you did a week ago? A year ago?  In the “Before Times” (pre COVID-19 pandemic?)   Maybe it is time to come home? 

I hope this week you will join us, in person or on zoom, for our Homecoming Service.  We will be welcoming a new organist (Hi Kenny!), a new Children’s and youth Minister (Hi Miles!), and ‘breaking ground’ on the Memorial Makes Room Renovation.  More importantly we will be gathering together to Submit to God, Resist evil, do good and seek Jesus. It is an opportunity for you to join (or re-join) with this community as it strives to get closer to God and to be an ever brighter beacon for Christ’s hope and glory here in Bolton Hill. 

Look forward to seeing you there!