The View from Bolton Street

Peace, peace, peace

2020 has gotten off to a jarring start. From bombings of Iranians in Iraq to missiles launched at US troops to the steady drum beats of war from East and West, it is a shocking departure from the birth of the prince of peace.

Perhaps what is most shocking is our own anger. Anger that bubbles up in us when we see bombs exploding on our televisions and peoples voices exploding on the radio or online. What has your emotional response been?  Were you angry? Upset? Frustrated? Embarrassed? 

In the weeks and months to come there will be many opportunities for us as people of faith to express our sentiments about war.  From protests and marches to meetings to the opportunity to vote at the ballot box.  

But before we get there we have to start in here. Inside of ourselves, taking it to God in prayer. I’m reminded of the first stanza of ‘What a Friend we Have in Jesus’

 what peace we often forfeit,
  O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
  Everything to God in prayer!

When the world is raging around us, when tensions and anger is riding high everywhere else, we can’t forfeit our peace to the world. We begin with prayer, asking God not just for peace in the world, but to make us instruments of that peace. To turn our own swords into plowshares and our own spears into pruning hooks, so even our enemies see us as peacemakers - be those enemies political, social, or physical. 

There is a small section in the book of common prayer that we prayed at our Peace and Justice Service this week. It is a supplication in times of war and great strife. I invite you to pray it today as well.  

O Lord, arise, help us;
and deliver us for thy Name's sake. 

V. From our enemies defend us, O Christ;

R. Graciously behold our afflictions.

V. With pity behold the sorrows of our hearts;

R. Mercifully forgive the sins of thy people.

V. Favorably with mercy hear our prayers;

R. O Son of David, have mercy upon us.

V. Both now and ever vouchsafe to hear us, O Christ;

R.Graciously hear us, O Christ; graciously hear us, O Lord Christ.

O Lord, arise, help us;
and deliver us for thy Name's sake.