All God's Children Camp
All God's Children Camp
The All God's Children Camp, held each summer at Claggett, brings together children, 8 -12, from diverse socio-economic, religious and cultural backgrounds in order to help all to enjoy and appreciate their differences The staff are parents, grandparents, young adults and older adults who are all especially trained to help children interact positively in the dorms, dining rooms and in all activities. The Staff to child ratio is 2 or 3 to 1. There is a swimming pool, fishing pond, hiking trails, arts and crafts center, a ropes course and much more on this 260 acre former farm!
Children from parishes and neighborhoods in the city gather for a 6 day residential camp.Memorial Episcopal Church has provided "camper ships" for several children each year since 1997. Initially referrals were made by teachers at Eutaw Marshburn Elementary School#11 (McMechen St & Eutaw Place). Gradually families moved around, younger siblings became eligible, and our recruiting area widened to West Baltimore.
This year 5 or 6 children have asked for help to attend. The Claggett fee is $390 per child.
All the camp staff are volunteer and pay for themselves. Any and all contributions to the camp are gratefully welcomed!! Make checks out to Memorial Church with All God's Children on the memo line. All God's Children camp seeking any all contributions, both by check andNow ONLINE.