Service spotlight: The Altar Guild
Have you ever looked up at the altar before, or during, a service, and wondered about how it is laid out, and who does that? Does the priest? The deacon? The verger? It is the dedicated members of the Altar Guild who set up, break down, clean up, and order all the supplies at every Eucharistic service. We have eight trained members in the Altar Guild, and two serve each week.
Each week before the 10:30 service one member will bring out the linens, the chalice and paten, the bread and wine, and the candles and set everything up in a precise order so that the celebrant can easily reach everything needed for the Eucharist. It is the responsibility of the Altar Guild to make sure we have the correct seasonal color set out -- the purple in the picture above is for Lent.
After the service, everything is removed to the sacristy, the small room just by the elevator, and the chalice and paten get sterilized while the linens are collected to be taken away and washed (also by a member of the Altar Guild).
The Altar Guild manages our supply and orders wafers, wine, and candles as needed. Many thanks are due to them all for their dedicated service. The Altar Guild is in good shape for the foreseeable future, but if any of this sounds interesting, or helpful in deepening your connection with the church, please feel free to reach out to Becky Clark to see about joining the ranks.