Vestry Nominees - Class of 2021

The Nominating Committee of Memorial Church hereby puts forth the following slate for Vestry Class of 2021:

  • Fred Demers 

    Fred Demers has been a Memorial Church member since 1981, when he and his wife, Barbara, came to Baltimore. Attracted to Memorial by Barney Farnham’s leadership, our Diocese’s first ordained clergy woman and Memorial Assistant Rector Phoebe Coe, and Memorial’s shining example of community outreach. Since then, Fred has served as Junior Warden, vestry-member, Treasurer, Sunday School teacher, Samaritan Community Board member, member of various parish committees, and Chair of the Diocesan Compensation & Benefits Committee

    He now lives in Bolton Hill and is active in BUILD (as a coach in its Turn-Around-Tuesday community program), Vice Chair of the Board for Integrace retirement communities (formerly EMA – Episcopal Ministries to the Aging), and is in year two of the Education for Ministry (EfM) education program at the Diocese.

    Fred has two sons, Ben in Washington, D.C., Peter in Brooklyn, New York, daughter-in-law Angela, and beautiful baby boy / grandson, Leo (two months old!).

  • Bill Roberts

Bill Roberts has been at Memorial Church since 1998.  He is a registered nurse who leads the Pastoral Health Ministry, and its Partners in Care program.  He is co-chair of the Pastoral Care Committee.  He feels called to share God’s abundant love through the healing arts, and seeks to assist others to understand and manage their health care, through education, advocacy, and spiritual care.  He has presented on health-related topics at several Liturgy and Living forums.  He also serves on Memorial’s Justice Committee, where he focuses on immigrant/refugee and public education issues.  He volunteers with the Episcopal Refugee and Immigrant Center Alliance (ERICA), a project of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, and is a member of Memorial’s Strong Schools Maryland Team of Ten.  He lives in the village of Oella, with his husband and partner of 29 years, Jesse Millan, Jr. 

  • Daviedra Sauldsberry

Daviedra began attending the Rite One, 7 a.m. service at Memorial in 2002. After searching for a comforting place to worship, she was drawn to the biblical structure of the service and began regularly attending. Daviedra was confirmed in the Episcopal Church, in May 2006, six months after she and her husband, Woody, were married on November 12, 2005 in Sedona, AZ. While not a “cradle Episcopalian” but raised in the Baptist denomination, Daviedra enthusiastically adopted the Episcopal Church sacraments, rituals and ceremonies and has continued her Christian growth by attending the Inquirer’s Class, Wednesday Night Classes, and the first year of EfM. She currently serves as a chalicist, and she and Woody have prepared the Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner for the past few years. Daviedra and Woody live in Baltimore City and enjoy spending time with their 12 year old niece, Raina and 15 year old nephew, Bradley. Professionally, Daviedra is the director of marketing for Baltimore City Community College.

  • Bill Wells 

    Bill is a researcher and government / nonprofit consultant at the University of Baltimore and lives in Bolton Hill with Stacy and their two children, Nathaniel and Mary Anne.  While born, baptized, confirmed, and then married at Memorial, Bill has never served on the Vestry.  Growing up in Memorial Church, having gone to Sunday School at Memorial, served as an acolyte, chalicist, ultimately being confirmed at Memorial, Bill served as co-chair of the Festival on the Hill for several years ( a lot of fun after growing up enjoying the Festival every year!), served as Co-chair of Memorial's "Rise up Ye Saints" capital campaign and chaired the Buildings and Grounds Committee for many years.

    Bill was previously very active in Diocesan and Provincial youth ministry, designing, staffing, and running weekend and week-long youth and young adult conferences at the Bishop Claggett Center, collaborating with the Diocese of Virginia at Shrine Mont center near Orkney Springs, VA.  In high school, Bill was fortunate enough to represent Maryland at Provincial youth events and conferences, was a participant at the 1990 Episcopal Youth Event in Missoula Montana, and co-Chair of the Diocesan Youth and Young Adults Committee.

    In looking forward to Vestry service, Bill hopes to help continue Memorial's commitment to young adults, families, and youth and their role in ministry and social justice here and the rest of the world.


We will vote to approve the slate after church on January 28 at Annual Meeting in Upper Farnham Hall.

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

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