The View from Bolton Street

In Christ we have also obtained an inheritance, having been destined according to the purpose of him who accomplishes all things according to his counsel and will.

Ephesians 1

There is an old adage, not exactly Biblical, that whatever happens it is “part of God’s plan.” You should know that there is no truth to this at all. All kinds of terrible things happen in this world that God has no part in, and certainly are not part of God’s plan. 

What IS true is that we all have a destiny that is deeply desired by God, that is to grow ever closer to the Divine until one day we are gathered there at the footstool of God in whatever life comes after this. 

The question for us is - will we live in to that destiny? Do we accept that inheritance? 

Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians reminding his followers of this inheritance and spends the rest of the letter helping them understand how to live in to that promise. 

How will you live in to God’s promise? 

Knowing that God had a destiny for you and that there is a place for you in God’s kingdom, how might you reorient your life to that end?

It could be as simple as a regular Bible study, adding a devotional practice to your morning routine, or committing to one act of charity a week. Maybe even seeking to reconcile with someone you said you could never speak to again. All of these have the ability to bring you closer to God. 

What will you do?