The View from Bolton Street

Happy Birthday, church!

Pentecost is usually described as the Church’s (Capital C ) birthday because it is the day we celebrate both the indwelling of the Holy Spirit In Jesus’ followers as well as the first mass conversion - growing the church from a group of around 50 to more than 5000 in mere hours. 

There is plenty to discuss theologically and historically whether this is the right framework to use, but perhaps we put that aside for a moment and just let it be the Church’s Birthday.

What blessings would you celebrate in the life of the Church? 

What things would you seek to improve on? What if any resolutions would you make for the future of the Church? 

And most importantly - who would you invite to the party? 

Birthdays are great times to remember all the good we have done and the good we are, and also a nice moment for introspection — mayne this is the year I finally take up tennis, or learn another language, or call that long lost friend. 

But they are also great excuses to party!  We don’t throw parties only for our perfect friends, our good looking friends, our smartest and most put together friends — but for all our friends! Even the slightly messy ones.  Sometimes especially the messy ones. 

This Pentecost consider inviting someone to celebrate the church’s birthday with you. Not because we are perfect, or even close. But because we are clear about who he desire to be, honest about the challenges of our past and present, and most importantly excited to celebrate our future together.

Even when it’s a little messy :)