The View from Bolton Street
2024 - Epiphany
“This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine”
We are watching my two year old niece this week and so I find myself singing a lot of old songs to her. There are of course classics like “bananaphone” and “row row row your boat”, and some family favorites like “the Marvelous toy” and “the unicorn song”, but one that really resonates with me this season is “this little light of mine.”
Maybe it’s because we are entering Epiphany, maybe it’s because we haven’t taken down the Christmas tree yet, maybe it’s because the Presiding Bishops movie is coming out soon, or maybe it’s because we are having a successful stewardship season and Memorial’s light can shine a little longer.
But I’d like to think that maybe, just maybe, it is because when everything is dark, and clouded and confusing a little light is a massive act of resistance.
Light in the darkness. It’s why I love silent night on Christmas Eve, it’s why the Gospel of John still sings to us, and it is how we offer hope to a hurting world.
By being the light.
I hope you will join us this Sunday and all of 2024 as we continue to bring light to Bolton Hill, West Baltimore, and the world.