The Vestry

I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the good news that I proclaimed to you, which you in turn received

1 Corinthians 15:1

Paul certainly had a way of opening a sermon, huh? That might as well have been the beginning of the Church of Corinth's annual meeting circa 55 C.E. Christ the same yesterday, today and forever! 'Remember...' Is how we begin every service -- 'Blessed be God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and Blessed be God's Kingdom now and Forever, Amen."

Today I am pleased to announce that on Sunday the 2022-2023 Memorial Vestry voted on a new slate of officers: Bill Roberts will serve as Senior Warden, Stacy Wells as Junior Warden and John McIntyre will continue in his role as Secretary while Paul Seaton continues on as Treasurer.

I am grateful for these new leaders who have taken up the Apostle Paul's call to remember the Good News and to make it true for everyone in our midst. Please join me in welcoming them and all of our new Vestry members this year - Keenan Dworak Fisher, Shannon McCullough, Steve Howard, Ryan Sturm and Wendy Yap.

The Vestry will do a virtual retreat in two parts - February and March - and between the two meetings will be 'retreating' with all of you, so be prepared to hear from a member or two sometime soon.

Holy God, the navigator of our souls, hear us as we hold up before you our annual Vestry. Be with us in our yearning to chart a course together, inspired by the presence of your Spirit. Give courage to our clergy, all of our leaders, and each of us, as we move forward with your blessing. For all we do, we do to your glory, in Jesus' name. AMEN