Memorial Episcopal Church's 2022 Annual Meeting - January 30th at 10:30 AM


Fr. Grey and the wardens have decided to push back the date of the Memorial Church Annual Meeting by one week with the hope that it will make it more likely that people will choose to attend in person. We believe that it’s better on many levels if lots of us are together in the sanctuary. Please move the meeting on your calendars to Sunday, January 30 at 10:30 am.

To be clear, we are not saying that we are moving the meeting date so that everyone will attend in person. We do hope that by delaying the meeting by one week there is a better chance that more of us will feel comfortable coming to church if the current pandemic conditions have abated enough by then. There will be a Zoom option, just as there is every Sunday, and we want each person to decide against in-person vs Zoom attendance that is right for them.

As in past years, we will begin the Annual Meeting by worshipping together and having the business portion after the Eucharist. I look forward to seeing all of you there, either in the church or virtually. If the date change makes it impossible for any of you to join us, please let us know. And of course, also let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

Bill Roberts, for the Rector and Wardens