Every Good Gift: Epiphany 2021

Every Good Gift

Come Celebrate Epiphany with us live on zoom. Find a crown, a robe, a scepter, a textbook or anything that makes you feel wise or royal as we remember the gifts offered to the Christ Child in the Tomb and celebrate the gifts that have been offered to us in the last year.

During this evening prayer service, in lieu of a sermon, everyone will be invited to share a 'gift' they received this past year -- something unexpected that has given them life, helped them through a difficult time or just made them smile.

Join us on zoom on Wednesday, January 6th at 6:00 pm

To join us, all you need to do is click on the link below. We will have the order of service up on the screen to follow along. We recognize that all of us have different levels of comfort with technology - we will do our best to help everyone do what they need to feel comfortable and participate!

Two tips for Zoom worship:

1) Let us see your face! If at all possible, please start a video feed so we can see each other face to face, even across distance. 

2) Please mute yourself unless you have a speaking role in the service. And if you find you are muted, please don’t unmute yourself unless asked. However - even when you are muted, please do respond to the prayers and readings, as we are all worshipping together. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 9200 1341

Password: 563025

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Meeting ID: 876 9436 6639

Password: 729226

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdoU8Ii34Q

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.


E-Church 10:30am, 1/17


E-Faith@8, 1/10