Coming Back to Church - Further Updates and FAQ

Delta! Delta! Delta! Can I Help ya! Help ya! Help ya!

With the rise of the Delta variant, the Diocese has revised their COVID guidance, and I am sure many of you are anxious as well. As a reminder, the vast majority of our congregation (except for those under 12) are vaccinated. Your risk of serious illness is very low, however we do wish to protect the littlest of those among us and so Memorial will be implementing the following:

  • Mask wearing is required at all times inside the Church

  • Preachers and lectors can remove their masks for speaking during worship

  • We will block off every other row of chairs to ensure proper distancing in the sanctuary

  • Coffee hour will continue outdoors for the time being

  • Singing is still allowed as long as masks are in place

  • Worship continues to be available on zoom for all those who do not feel comfortable worshipping in person

  • We will continue to worship in the sanctuary to take advantage of the larger space and high ceilings

Can I Come Back to Church?

Yes! Our usual summer attendance is well below 50% of our allowed capacity, so you are invited to join us for worship in person all summer (until we begin the renovations).

What if I don't want to come back to Church?

That is just fine. We are all managing the end of this pandemic in different ways and we will continue offering zoom worship for the foreseeable future. We hope you can continue to join us in whatever way is comfortable for you.

Do we have to wear masks?

For now, yes, indoor worship still requires a mask. However, you are able to sing (through a mask) in Church and the Choir has begun rehearsing and singing together in person. We expect the mask mandate will continue until we begin to see vaccinations for young children.

Do I have to be vaccinated to come to church?

We strongly recommend that everyone that is eligible be vaccinated. Anecdotal evidence suggests that nearly everyone eligible in Memorial’s congregation is partially or fully vaccinated.

Can we sing?

Yes! With a mask in place inside (for now)

What about communion?

The Diocese has asked us to continue to offer communion only in one kind. However we are permitted (and encouraged) to invite communicants to the altar rail to receive.

Are you worried?

Yes! I think we are all worried and anxious about this continuing pandemic. I speak for many parents of young kids who worry how Delta could impact our kids health and the 2021-2022 school year. Ultimately, the personal risk to myself and most vaccinated Individuals is very minimal. But the long term impacts of COVID for children is unknown, and the sooner we can slow down virus transmission the more likely our kids can have a normal school year. I encourage you all to mask up, slow down for a few weeks and pray that we have a diminishing virus and a vaccine for children soon.

If you have any questions, or comments, please let us know!