Welcome Karen Mercer!
As a way of introduction, I will begin with expressing my gratitude and excitement to be with Memorial for my internship. I recently completed Exploring Baptism Ministry( EBM) here in the Maryland Diocese and am a member of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church- Walbrook. Prior to my membership at St. Mary’s, I was a member of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church Baltimore.
I am originally from Clarksville, TN but spent most of my adult life in Indianapolis, IN before moving to the Maryland, D.C., Virginia area in 1999. I am a mother of two wonderful adults, Hope and Michael and have three beautiful grandchildren. I am married to Charles Mercer, the Rector of St. Mary the Virgin.
I am a retired Federal employee, having worked for 29 ½ years primarily in the Department of Health and Human Services. My work history has included working with the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program at HRSA; overseeing grants to cities and states throughout the country and also with the Affordable Care Act at CMS.
I hold a Masters in Pastoral Counseling and recently closed my private practice after 13 years. I have worked with victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, and individuals with various mental health and wellness issues. I am a certified Prepare/Enrich marriage and pre-marital counselor
I have been involved in both St. Mary’s and St. B’s as a lay reader, member of Daughters of the King, and Eucharistic minister. I have developed several small group activities at St. Mary’s, have led Adult Bible Study, Morning Prayers, taught confirmation classes, lead our Back to Church Sunday each year, been involved in Ashes to Go on Ash Wednesday, developed our Blue Christmas service, and coordinated the first ever Women’s Retreat at St. Mary’s.
With all the work I have been blessed to do, I felt there was more God was asking me to do. So rather than continue to be like Martha (as we read in the 10th chapter of Luke), I heard the call to be more like Mary; to be still and listen to Jesus which is what led me to EBM. I am so glad that I took the opportunity to hear God’s call.
During my time in the EBM process, I heard the call to priesthood and am currently on a path toward ordination. In speaking with my mentors from EBM and with Bishop Ihloff, each of them expressed that Memorial would be an appropriate and rewarding parish for me to complete my internship.
I believe my purpose is to proclaim the Gospel, to lead a congregation, to bear witness to others of God’s love for us all. To share the Eucharist with others, to offer a sacred, safe place for those who are hurting is a blessing. I believe God is calling me to assist others to see the gifts God has blessed them with and to journey with them to a place of peace and joy that can only come from the realization of God’s love. I also believe I am in a unique position to lead a multi-cultural congregation and to assist in reconciliation and healing. I know that Memorial will provide me with a first-hand experience of witnessing that type of healing and reconciliation.
The gifts I bring are:
Exceptional listening skills
A calming presence
A thirst for knowledge and application for that knowledge
A love for Christ and the love of Christ
I look forward to this experience and thank you for your warm welcome.
Karen Mercer