Liturgy & Living, SUNDAY 6/28 10:45 - Shelley Halstead

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Liturgy & Living with Shelley Halstead,
founder of Black Women Build,
After worship on Sunday 6/28 at 10:45am

Black Women Build-Baltimore is a home ownership and wealth building initiative that trains black women in carpentry, electrical, and plumbing by restoring vacant and deteriorated houses in West Baltimore.

Black Women Build-Baltimore was founded in 2017 by Shelley Halstead who believes that for black women to build intergenerational wealth, with the inherent security and prosperity it can generate, they must also learn the skills necessary to maintain that wealth. Home ownership and the ability to maintain that asset is one way this can be achieved.

Shelley founded Black Women Build-Baltimore with a strong belief in the power of knowledge, skills and opportunity to shape a woman’s life. She is passionate about creating opportunities for black women to thrive. Using an intersectional framework Black Women Build-Baltimore offers its holistic training program to capable women who are ready for change, and would not otherwise have the opportunity. 

Memorial has committed to support Black Women Build, seeking to raise $6,000 to lessen the economic and social divide between black and white Baltimore. (Many of these homes are in the neighborhood around St Katherine's.) The $6,000 will support two women in getting into the program. To contribute CLICK OUR ONLINE DONATION LINK and select “Black Women Build” from the drop-down “Fund” menu.

Topic: Liturgy and Living
Time: Sunday 6/28, 10:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

E-Church 6/28 9:30am


The View From Robert Street