Peace and Justice — Tuesdays at 8 am
Every Tuesday morning a group of faithful Christians gather to pray for peace and justice in our community, our city, and the world. You are welcome to join us any Tuesday at 8 am via zoom. You can join us by clicking on the link below.
Peace and Justice
Time: Tuesdays at 8:00 Eastern
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 847 2133 0457
Password: 487495
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Meeting ID: 847 2133 0457
Password: 487495
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Below are the upcoming Saints and readings for the weeks to come.
Tuesday May 5 Martyrs of the Reformation
Tuesday May 12 Frances Perkins
Tuesday May 19 Dunstan of Canterbury
Tuesday May 26 Augustine of Canterbury
Tuesday June 2 Blandia and her Companions
Tuesday June 9 Columba