The View from Robert Street

The Feast of Saint Simon and Saint Jude

October 28th, 2020

“Simon and Jude traveled together to teach others about Jesus.”

This brief description of the ministry of these two saints appeared in one of the summaries I found of their ministry, but it is also as succinct a summary of the Christian way of life as any I have seen.

We go together. 

To be with others. 

To share with them the life of Jesus. 

And to cause trouble.  Because after all that’s what Good saints do. Make some Holy Trouble.

That’s it!  That’s what we do! 

You might do this as a teacher, as a public servant, as a nurse or a doctor.  

You might do this as an advocate, an acolyte, an architect or an Astronomer.

You might do this as a lawyer, a businessman, a missionary or a preacher.  

You might do it as a laborer, a clerk, 

You might do this as a mother, father, sibling or friend.

But the work is always the same. You do it with someone else. You go minister to others. You share the Jesus story. And make trouble for the Devil. 

And everytime we share that story we become a part of that story and invite others into that story.  

Just as Simon and Jude did in the first century, and as so many saints have done in the generations before us. 

On this All Saints Day we won’t be worshipping together in the same way, or remembering in the same way, or sharing in the same way -- but we will still be doing the same work. So this week find someone to join with, and invite Jesus along to some ‘Holy Trouble.’