The View from Bolton Street

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Thank you all for your time and attention during the Annual Meeting on Sunday. It was a long, but fruitful meeting, and I’m grateful to all who participated. 

A quick review of the meeting follows:

1) we approved the budget! Memorial’s 2020 budget is a small increase from 2019, keeping all current programming in place, and providing small increases in funding for racial reconciliation work and for children’s programs. We did limit increases for two reasons: a) we did not meet the pledge goal of $300,000 and b) we are aware that with a significant capital campaign beginning this year we did not want to push too far ahead.

2) We elected four new and one returning member to the vestry! Thank you to Michelle, Beth, Stacy and Sarah for your willingness to serve and to John for your willingness to serve a second term. 

3) We elected new representatives to Diocesan Convention. Dick WIlliams is our delegate and Jesse Milan is our alternate. We are grateful to all willing to serve Memorial.

And there were two big items of discussion; Memorial’s Name and History and the 2020 Capital Campaign. 

Shortly, we will be sending out separate information on both of these efforts. But I want to thank everyone for their time, attention and their thoughtful questions and reflections on both. Here is a (too brief) summary.

‘What’s in a Name’ - After more than a year of conversation about Memorial’s legacy and the revelation in 2019 that our Deacon Natalie Conway is descended from a woman enslaved by the family of Memorial’s founding rector, the vestry believes strongly that it is time to address the Memorial’s name and legacy and re-dedicate the Church. Between now and Easter Sunday, we will be soliciting feedback in a variety of forms, including at least one public, all congregation conversation, about how it should be re-dedicated. There is also a strong feeling that losing the Memorial piece entirely would erase Natalie’s story as well, and that we need to remind future generations about the atrocities of the past in order to create a better future. 

A final decision will come before the vestry, and it is their hope that we formally re-dedicate the parish in the Spring of 2020 (160 years to the day of when the cornerstone was laid) and that some physical changes be made by Homecoming Sunday of 2020 to reflect this change. 

If you are interested in this conversation or have strong feelings please contact one of the members of the vestry, or participate in one of the many different discussions (online and in person) that will be announced shortly.

‘A Sanctuary Refresh’ - 2020 Capital Campaign: Due to a large gift from a former member of Memorial, the vestry voted in 2019 to put together a 2020 Campaign to Air-Condition the sanctuary, and make some additional critical improvements in our worship space in order to make it more inviting and welcoming to new and old members alike. 

This includes changing the flooring to be more uniform and safe, improving the lighting in the space,and making some small adjustments to the altar space to provide better access and connection to the divine during worship. 

The total expected cost of the work is $450,000. One large gift will cover approximately $100,000, leaving $350,000 remaining. 10% of that has already been pledged. I ask that you begin to prayerfully consider what kind of commitment you would be willing to make to this effort to make our space more welcoming, cooler, and more inviting for newcomers in 2021 and beyond. 

All pledges will be able to be spread out over three years due to a generous loan from the Diocese. More information will be made available shortly.