New Beginnings #6


This past weekend I was at New Beginnings.NB is a Middle School Youth Event that is lead and run completely by High Schoolers. Most of the high schoolers grew up going to New Beginnings and want to give back in some way. This event is full of fun games and riveting talks done by the youth. These youth get up in front of everyone and share their own experiences with peer pressure, families, sports, and friends. It is amazing to see what these youth can do when we give them the chance to shine. The theme this year was “God knows the way” A take on a popular line from Moana. All the events and activities were “Moana” themed and it was really awesome. If you would like to learn more please come ask me this is an amazing event!

This was my 13th year going to a New Beginnings. I was in 6th grade when I went to my first one back in North Carolina. (they are one their 54th!) I ended up serving in an upfront leadership role for three years in High School and by the time I graduated I was given the opportunity to co-coordinate it. New Beginnings told me that its okay to be who I am that God made me this way and wants me to shine my light. I am working at a church with youth because of New Beginnings. God knows the way and he has brought me to start over with a New Beginning every year.

-Hannah :)

Please Enjoy some of these photos from the weekend!

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

Boltonstock 2019!


The View From Bolton St