The View From Bolton St
He Is Risen! (And so are you!)
There are few times when God’s absence is noted as a positive - but Easter morning is certainly one of them. And it is good news because on Easter we remember that the tomb is empty and that God is not dead. The disciples, first the women, then the men, go looking for Jesus in the tomb but are asked (scolded?) ‘why do you look for the living among the Dead?’
Have you ever looked for the living among the dead? Have you ever tried to determine your future path by listening to voices, worries, and fears in your past? I know that I have, and I’m sure you have to. It is a natural thing to do! To let what has happened to us before determine where we go from here. But in this Easter moment Jesus shows us not only that resurrection is possible for him, but that it is possible for all of us. Peter was not held back by his denials, Mary, Mary and Martha were not held back by their status in society, even Thomas was not held back by his own doubts and fears (as we explore this Sunday). Which means you should not let your past hold you back either. Easter is a good time to Dream about ‘what’s next’ for you, and maybe for us to Dream about what is next for Memorial?
What should the Church look like in the 21st century? How can we look more like ‘The Beloved Community’? Or perhaps better stated - how can we resurrect the Church for those who have forgotten all about us.
Between now and the end of June we will be looking into our past as we dream about the future. I look forward to hearing from you all, what you are looking for from the Church.