Stations of the Cross

Stations Of The Cross and Conversation


New Stations of the Cross have arrived! They are created by renowned artist Peggy Parker and on loan to Memorial for this Lent. Join us every Friday, beginning March 15th, at 5:30, to pray the Stations in the church. We will then move to the Peace Chapel for reflection and conversation about a few select Stations each week. This set of Stations is the subject of an upcoming book being released this fall which includes reflections by noted theologian the Rev. Dr. Katherine Sonderegger. On April 7th both Kate and Peggy will join us at Memorial – to preach and lead a program and reception after the service.“Parker's woodcuts are stark depictions that capture the Passion narrative with wrenching power. The images convey in graphic terms Christ's Passion and his gradually diminishing energy. But they do not appeal to the viewer's pity; rather they show Christ's compassion and strength in the face of suffering.” (Visit for more information about the artist).

What Can We Bring to the Cross?

This Lent, everyone at Memorial is invited to reflect upon what they could be called to bring to the cross. What things in our lives, both for us personally and for us as a society, feel like crucifixion to us? What things make us feel like our world is turned upside-down? What things are so death-dealing that we cannot fix them by ourselves and need to bring them to the cross, with the intention of joining our suffering with Christ as we pray for wholeness and resurrection? With this intention of journeying closely with Christ this Lenten season, beginning this Sunday, there will be a wooden display featuring a cross upon it. Everyone is invited to bring in representations, images and words, that will be nailed to the cross. For example, an image from the newspaper of a refugee child being detained, or the word poverty written on a piece of paper, or the name of someone lost to violence, or the image of someone who you cannot forgive. All of these things may have felt like crucifixion to us. All of these things are instances of our lives, our world, that need transformation. What will you bring? The items on the cross will be added to each week and will remain on display through Good Friday. In each service we will offer a prayer of blessing for all we have brought to the cross and pray that God will transform those things through the resurrection. Please bring in your items to the cross during any service and during Stations of the Cross.

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

Liturgy and Living Lent 2019


The View From Bolton St.