Confirmation Class

Welcome to the Third week of lent.  This week we begin to think more deeply about Jesus’ turning form his mission and ministry to his ultimate sacrifice on the cross. And how we begin to prepare ourselves to encounter again that most sacred story.  I hope your lenten walk is going well.  

If you are interested in Confirmation in the Episcopal Church (full membership - to serve on vestry, boards, diocesan committees, etc.) or just for learning more about the Christian faith and ‘the episcopal branch of the jesus movement’ - please plan to join us for our Inquirers class - beginning April 3rd. 

Classes will meet Wednesday nights from April 3rd through June 5th at 7 pm in the Rectory.  Classes will run for an hour. (Let me know if you need child care and we can arrange it!) 

You don’t have to attend every class, but I ask that you not miss more than two if you want to be confirmed.  

Confirmation will be June 9th at the Memorial when Bishop Sutton visits.  If that day doesn’t work for you we can find another day/time when the bishop is visiting nearby or for a service at the Cathedral. 

The curriculum we use is called ‘confirm not conform’ which should tell you a lot about what the curriculum is intended to do (namely - NOT force you to believe anything - but lift up lots of questions for you to develop your own understanding of God and Jesus and the Church, and see if it is compatible with the Episcopal Church).  

I would really love for you to join if possible. 

BUT you say ‘Grey I’m already confirmed in the Catholic Church’ - don’t worry! You can still participate. For Catholics and others confirmed in other traditions instead of ‘confirmation’ you will be received into the Episcopal Church. The service is almost the same with a small difference.  If you come to the first session maybe you will hear Monica’s Story about her ‘drive by’ reception! 

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

The View From Bolton St.


Holy Week Schedule