The View From Bolton St.

“No, I’m not too busy to meet with you!” 

It’s that time of year.  Finishing up budgets, beginning new programs, transitioning staff, preparing for the annual meeting, expanding engagements in the community, getting ready for lenten programs with other churches, looking forward to Holy Week and Easter...there is a lot going on.  And it is the time of year when I hear the same thing, “I know you are busy but...”

And I always respond the same way. “I am not too busy for you!”   So I wanted to take a moment in this weeks reflection to let you all know that I really am NOT too busy too meet with you, to connect with you, to hear what is on your mind and your heart.  The role of pastor is primarily to help connect people to God, to serve as a bridge between you and the divine. We offer this in many ways, through worship, through bible study, through service to the community, through our prayer ministry and through individual and small group pastoral sessions as necessary. And we can always do more of this if there is interest. 

Things are, of course, busy here at Memorial. There is always a lot going on.  We are (and have always been) a small church with a big church mind-set. Which is wonderful.  But when it comes to the things that really matter; the thing that matters the most to me are your hearts, your souls, and your relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   All the other things are of course important, but between ensuring the bulletin is checked and this newsletter goes out on time and your soul, I will pick your soul everytime. 

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

Family Night Dinner


Mt. Royal Vocal Music Program