Team ESC at the Baltimore Running Festival
September 24, 2018
Dear people of Memorial,
It has been just about two months since I finished my service year with Episcopal Service Corps and moved out of the Gilead House. What a wonderful year it was! There are so many ways in which I have grown and changed as a result of living in community and serving the students in the Baltimore public school system.
ESC-MD changed my life. It brought me close to God, taught me more about myself, and increased my passion for service. I hope you are aware of how special ESC-MD is and how lucky you are to be able to house the Gileads at Memorial. Having such a wonderful community to be a part of while living in Baltimore meant so much to me. I am so thankful, and now it is time for me to give back to the program that gave me these opportunities. As you all may or may not know, I have signed up to run a 5K as a part of Team ESC-MD in the Baltimore Running Festival! My partner in life, my fiancé Dave, has agreed to join me. We are raising funds for the program that brought me to my call to ministry and has changed the lives of so many young people. We want to make sure ESC-MD has the resources it needs to continue its important work in Baltimore.
Will you help us? Please consider sponsoring Dave and me in our 5K race on October 20th. With your donation, ESC-MD will have the resources for future Gileads to be able to do their work in the city. If you wish to donate, please visit this link: Click where it says “make your gift” and in the section where it asks which team member you’re supporting, make sure to put my name: Suz Jones-Hochmuth. Anything you can give will be much appreciated! Again, thank you very much for your love and support.
Yours in Christ,
Suz Jones-Hochmuth