Seeing the Face of God training
We Invite congregants to consider participating in this Training.
Seeing the Face of God Training
The Seeing the Face of God in each Other Antiracism Workshop (SFG) is in an interactive and experiential workshop created by the Episcopal Church. It is not a lecture. The curriculum includes, power, privilege, race, racism, class, internalized racial opposition and next stops. A meaningful experience is a program priority. That is best achieved with a minimum of 12 participants and a maximum of 30. Racial diversity of 25% is ideal. When the workshop has been racially homogeneous , participants lamented the absence of people of color. SFG is open to all Episcopalians. Training .
Members of the Justice Committee are planning to attend and we have room for 4-5 more participants.
The training will take place at St. Stephen’s Crownsville (Severna Parish)
Part I: August 17, 2018 (5:00-9:00 pm)
Part II: August 18, 2018 (9:00 – 5:00 pm)
Please let Lois Eldred ( know if you are interested by July 25. There is a one page application and all applications must be submitted to the Diocese by August 1, 2018
The Vestries of Memorial and St. Katharine’s are participating in the training at another time.