Next Century Circle



Memorial Church is blessed daily with many generous acts of giving – time, talent and treasure. And for that we are so fortunate – it is what keeps us going, and able to advance our growing community.


At the same time that we focus on the “here and now,” we’re also mindful that we need to be good shepherds of our future, and our ability to sustain growth for future generations.


Several parishes in the Diocese of Maryland have established programs whereby parishioners and/or interested others designate, in their Last Will & Testament, specific bequests to the church of their choice. Bequests can be in various forms – securities, real property, life insurance proceeds, IRA designations, and can be designated to go to specific programs or for general use.


Early this year, Memorial established the “Next Century Circle,” to recognize those individuals who have already included Memorial in their Estate plans. We are very excited to establish this program – to appreciate these acts of giving … and to pave the way for others to follow. In this way, we will help to provide for future operations and facilities as Memorial grows and evolves.


On Sunday, June 3rd, we are happy to welcome The Rev. Charles Cloughen, Diocesan Planned Giving Officer, who will lead us in discussion related to our Next Century Circle. Charles+ will join us at our early and mid-morning services, and at Liturgy & Living.


Until then, thank you for all that you do, and all that you bring to Memorial.



In Peace ~~~ Grey


Walking the Green Talk - May 2018


Trinity Sunday, 2018