The View from Bolton St.

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Okay maybe I went a little over board.   It turns out we DO need a bulletin for some things. Like when the Priest needs to read of the special prayer intentions at the end of the service for example! 

But I am excited, because the energy that came out of the service, and the vestry report after on Worship and Culture, is generating a lot of positive conversation about how we worship and live together at Memorial.  From involving student artists and musicians more regularly, to increasing special services, to focusing more intently on how we pray and study scripture together, on Sunday Mornings and throughout the week.  And because, more importantly, I think we are in the beginning conversations about really examining the culture of Memorial to engage the question of ‘are we a welcoming congregation to our friends and neighbors?’ That is to say, are we a congregation that is intentionally welcoming to young children, people of color, and the millennial and post-millennial communities that are increasingly part of our surrounding communities.  It is my and the vestry’s hope that anyone who comes into our worship space can make the same journey the Disciples did in Sunday’s gospel — from fear to joy, from worry to hope, from despair to disbelief in how good God can be. 

For those of you who couldn’t be there this Sunday, don’t worry!  There will be many more times to engage with these questions. Beginning with our next worship committee meeting on May 2nd at 6:00 pm.  This meeting is open to any member of the congregation who is interested in being involved in our worship life.  Are you a fan of Jesus and punk rock karaoke? Do you love musicals as much (or more) than you love scripture? Does traditional Anglican Evensong transport you into a different realm? Do you have a love of the visual arts and aren’t sure how that fits into a Sunday morning context? Please join us.  If you would like to participate, but need child care, please email Jamie in the office so we can plan ahead. 

Erin Kelly, our worship committee chair, and I are excited about this new direction for the worship committee,  and about working to make the sunday morning experience a transformational moment in people’s weeks and people’s lives.  If this is interesting to you, I hope you will join us. 

If you would like to watch the full Sunday Sermon It is available Here:  

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

Look Back: Thomas Sunday with the Jazz quartet


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