The View from Bolton Street
An Invitation to the Triduum
Tomorrow night begins the Triduum, an ancient tradition in the Church that allows us to recreate the last moments of Jesus’ human life, as we join him and the disciples in the Garden, in the upper room, at his arrest, trial, and finally his crucifixion, death, and resurrection.
It may seem odd to come to Church Thursday, Friday, Saturday AND Sunday. You may think it is hard enough to get there one day a week! Or perhaps that ‘we heard the whole story on Palm Sunday - what’s the big deal?’ But let me encourage you to consider making Maundy Thursday, Good Friday or the Easter Vigil part of your Holy Week this year.
Why? Because it is one thing to know the story. Another to read the story. And another entirely to re-enact the story. So please join us as we re-enact these last moments of Jesus. Washing Each other’s feet. Breaking bread. Carrying the cross. And finally staring into that empty tomb, scarcely believing it can be real.
Please Join Us. 7:30 pm on Thursday, Friday or 8:30 pm on Saturday Evening.
A Blessed Holy Week to you all.