Stage Rising and Set Rising 2018 - Into the Woods
On April 1, 2018 - Easter Day, from 1:30 pm until we're finished (but not into April 2, we promise) we will move the pieces of the stage out of storage in the garage and assemble the whole durn thing! It is an enormous, some might even say Herculean, task and it benefits from as many willing hands and strong backs as we can muster. It is also an enormous amount of fun as can be seen in the pictures below from last year's Stage Rising for The Secret Garden.
We invite all to join us for as many hours as you can give us - there may even be pizza and other goodies in the evening to keep our energy up. edit: Paul Seaton, producer extraordinaire, assures your editor that there will indeed be Pizza and drinks for days at Stage Rising. So come build some muscle and eat your fill.
In the week after Easter we will level the stage and then begin assembling the set upon it. This is no less work than the raising of the stage, but requires fewer hands at any one time. John Seeley & Co. will be in the church every day from at least 12:00 (and possibly earlier) until around 10:00 pm. Have some time to donate within that window? Come lend your hands and we will find you good work to do.
In the meantime - look at all these smiling faces: