Look Forward: Palm Sunday Parade

Palm Sunday morning, March 25, at 9:30 AM, members of the congregations of Memorial Episocpal, Brown Memorial Presbyterian, and Corpus Christi Roman Catholic Church will gather at the end of the park at the intersection of Park Ave. and McMechen St. At 9:45 the parade will begin to wind its way through Bolton Hill to the member churches, stopping at Memorial  in time for the 10:30 service. 

We've been doing this for a while now, and no one is exactly sure when it began, but it has been at least since the turn of the century. Congregants will process with the singing of hymns and a reading at each church. This year the youth of Memorial will join the procession with homemade tambourines (crafted at Children's Chapel this coming Sunday, the 18th). 

Below is a collection of photos from years past. We invite all to come be part of this year's parade.


Green Team: Faith Climate Event and a call to Mayor Pugh


March for our Lives