Foam Free Baltimore Rally
The mood of the crowd in the City Hall plaza appeared energized as if still waiting for the main event to begin, The Foam-Free Baltimore Rally. Imagining more adults, what I saw and heard instead were the sights and sounds of lots of students.
Some might have been working out their jitters before addressing the crowd. Others were readjusting their colorful signs. Mount Royal Middle School science teacher Mr. Cook brought a bunch of his students for a civics lesson combined with science.
One student who spoke described the health hazard of heating up leftovers in Styrofoam packing in a microwave. His choice of words was very effective as he described how the polystyrene (a likely carcinogen) can melt onto the food.
Let’s hope the City Council shows the courage to get the bill passed! Consider giving your council person a call, or sending an email in support of a Foam-Free Baltimore. More in today’s front page of The Sun.