Look Forward: Sunday Night Live!
Youth Group: Sunday Night Live
The Memorial Episcopal teens were invited this fall to join Sunday Night Live, a youth group experience hosted by Brown Memorial. Corpus Christi youth also joined. Meeting monthly, the teens tackled tough issues in small group discussions, participated in large group team building and shared delicious dinners cooked by adult volunteers. Activities varied by themes of the month. For example, October's session ended with a pumpkin carving contest in which all of the students' jack-o-lanterns lined up in front of Brown for judging by adults and in November, the youth divided in three teams (as if they were on a Food Network game show) to create side dishes and desserts for a collaborative Thanksgiving meal.
Each meeting starts with dinner, and is followed by Associate Pastor Tim Hughes of Brown Memorial "preaching" on the topic of the evening. After this the youth break out into age appropriate groups and continue the discussion, or work on a project related to it. Afterwards they reconvene to share insights and have dessert.
The March meeting will be on Palm Sunday, March 25, at Memorial in Upper Farnham Hall and will feature Middle Eastern cuisine. We encourage all to get involved, whether you have kids of the right age or not. In many ways, these are the young people who will inherit our world and it is inspiring to see them engaging it in positive ways and already laying a foundation for leading good lives of purpose.