Sunday Night Live!

Sunday, February 25 at 5:30 pm in Upper Farnham Hall

Festivities should end around 8 pm

Sunday Night Live! is a fun, lively gathering of teenagers and tweens that occurs on the fourth Sunday of each month. SNL usually happens at Brown Memorial, but due to the renovations in progress there, Memorial will be hosting in February and March.

This Sunday, the 25th, is the February meeting. All 5th to 12th graders are invited to join us for dinner and games and some good discussion about the world and our places in it. The group generally divides to discuss age appropriate topics, so all should truly feel welcome. 

We hope you, or your children, will join us this Sunday in Upper Farnham Hall at 5:30 pm - the more the merrier.

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

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