Black History Party with a Purpose

Join MRIA's Social Action Task Force for an afternoon of

conversation and profundity related to Black History topics

at 2018's first Party with a Purpose

Sunday, February 25, 2-5 pm at 1308 Bolton Street.

In celebration of this year's Black History Month, donations will go to two neighborhood groups: Brown Memorial Tutoring Program and Fresh at the Avenue (part of the No Boundaries Coalition).

Everyone is asked to please bring 1) wine or other beverage to share, 2) a donation ($10 suggested) that will go to the featured organizations, and 3) a reading, poem, or quote from a black author. There will be food provided and you are welcome to being your own tasty contribution to the table.

Cultural historian, music critic, and neighbor, Don Palmer, will kick off the event with a short talk. Attendees will then read their selection and ask listeners to guess who the author is. Reading selections will be available for those who don't bring one, but still want to participate.

To set the tone for the party, Don will curate a music playlist, and the featured organizations will be on hand to make short presentations.

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

Guest Preacher The Rev. Shivaun Wilkinson this Sunday


The View from Bolton Street