BUILD Action with Delegate Maggie McIntosh, December 4
We are having an action on Tuesday night Dec 4th 6pm (please arrive and be seated by 5)
at Academy for College and Career Exploration (ACCE) High School 1300 west 36th street.
Maggie McIntosh is confirmed. We are inviting the rest of the legislators that represent Baltimore City.
This is a power meeting and reception - with approximately 50 BUILD leaders.
Purpose of action is to have BUILD and the legislators publicly commit to Kirwan as our top legislative priority in 2019 and that we will fight together to win.
The core of the meeting is a teach-in where Maggie Mcintosh will teach us how she anticipates things rolling out - when will the report drop? When will legislation be introduced? Will funding and policy be in the same bill or separate? etc.
After she teaches, we will make our commitments to each other
Then we will have a reception - food/drink - where build leaders mix and mingle with legislators where they can introduce themselves, put a face with a name, and ask about other legislative priorities besides kirwan.
Please RSVP to,,,
Thank You!