The view from Bolton St.

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Dear Friends:

Thank you to the many parishioners who “showed up” not only for church on Sunday but also for the Annual Meeting.

In a meeting that lasted a little under an hour, we accomplished a lot!

  • Approved the minutes from last year’s Annual Meeting.
  • Reviewed our Listening Hearts Guidelines.
  • Heard briefly from lay leaders about Stewardship, Buildings and Grounds, Finances, and Social Justice. For full details about these areas, along with the many other 2017 initiatives, please click here for our 2017 Annual Report.
  • Patted ourselves on the back for the 2017 fiscal year that ended on 12/31/17 slightly in the black. To view the 2017 reconciled budget, click here.
  • Scrutinized the budget for the coming year and heard about some of the Vestry and Wardens’ expectations for 2018. View the 2018 budget here.
  • Bid a fond farewell and offered thanksgiving for our three departing Vestry members, Amy Krulak, Bev Sanderson, and Monty Howard, who also concludes a long tenure as Junior Warden.
  • Nominated and voted in the new Class of 2021 Vestry: Fred Demers, Bill Roberts, Daviedra Sauldsberry, and Bill Wells.
  • Nominated and elected our Diocesan Convention representatives: Lois Eldred (delegate) and Alice Peake (alternate).

Following the meeting the new Vestry convened briefly and elected officers for the 2018 term that will conclude at the end of January 2019:

Senior Warden:                Beth Casey

Junior Warden:                Bill Roberts

Treasurer:                         Paul Seaton

Registrar:                         John McIntyre

Following all this activity we gathered upstairs for a splendid soup and bread lunch that was catered by our Hospitality Committee under the leadership of Amy Krulak. A big thank you to all who contributed to this.

As you all heard last week during our Annual Meeting discussion, there is much to accomplish in 2018! And we can’t do it without you; do plan to SHOW UP this Sunday, too.

I will close with a thank you to the many folks who’ve stepped up to help during our Rector’s bereavement leave. I’m happy to inform you that he will be back with us on Sunday, February 11! I know we are all looking forward to having Reverend Grey and his wonderful family worshiping among us again.


Beth Casey, Senior Warden

Memorial Episcopal Church

We are a Justice-Focused, Jesus-Centered Community in the heart of Baltimore. Memorial seeks to be a diverse and inclusive home for all those seeking a deeper relationship with God. We strive to follow Christ's commandments by actively working to make each other, our community, city and world better.

Castlebay at Memorial


Shrove Tuesday - February 13, 6:00 pm