Annual Meeting Agenda
Please plan on staying after the 10:30 service this Sunday to participate in the Annual Meeting. Reverend Grey+, still on bereavement leave,will not be in attendance, but the officers of the church will do a short presentation outlining highlights of 2017 and goals for 2018. We will present the 2018 budget, approved by the Vestry at its December 2017 meeting; we'll also vote on Vestry members for the Class of 2021 and Diocesan convention delegates for 2018.
A simple soup and bread lunch will follow our meeting - all are invited! If you would like to contribute to this lunch, please contact Amy Krulak to sign up.
Look late Friday in your email for a message from us that will contain a link to the 2017 Annual Report and the meeting minutes for our Jan 2017 Annual Meeting. We are hoping many of you will have time to review both of these documents in advance of Sunday. (Our first order of business Sunday is to amend and/or approve last year's minutes.)
In an effort to live up to a 2018 goal set by our Social Justice Creation Care team we will be going paperless to the extent possible for these two handouts this Sunday. This means we will only have paper copies of the Annual Report and 2017 Annual Meeting minutes if you email the office directly and request them. We encourage you otherwise to print out your own copies, or to download to your own electronic device and bring that with you to the meeting.
Click here by 2pm Friday and request your own hard copy of the Annual Report and the 2017 Annual Meeting minutes.
Finally: do you wonder if you're a voting member? Here's the definition:
- You are 16 or older.
- You have contributed spiritual and financial support to the church in the past year.
This applies to most people reading these words right now, so WE PLAN ON SEEING YOU THERE!
Beth Drummond Casey, Senior Warden